Hi Marisa. Your blog is delightful. Wow! I actually stumbled upon it looking for magnetic letters. I long to have creative juices like you. Here i sit on a saturday night looking for wonderful ideas to be a better reading teacher to my first graders this year. My family is having movie night in the living room and I am in the bedroom working away. Blessed to have a family that supports the hours I put in, a job I love, and now I have found you. Delightful ideas. Thank you for sharing! Susie Brovold
Hi Marisa. Your blog is delightful. Wow! I actually stumbled upon it looking for magnetic letters. I long to have creative juices like you. Here i sit on a saturday night looking for wonderful ideas to be a better reading teacher to my first graders this year. My family is having movie night in the living room and I am in the bedroom working away. Blessed to have a family that supports the hours I put in, a job I love, and now I have found you. Delightful ideas. Thank you for sharing! Susie Brovold