Sunday, September 30, 2012

Saving Space...

Just a quick stop by to share a space saving idea that was a great improvement to my classroom!! I use every square foot of my classroom as I'm sure MOST of you all do as well.  Reading area here, writer's workshop supplies there, oh and where shall I put listen to reading?...I'm blessed with a fairly large classroom, but there's one thing that was driving me bonkers! MY POCKET CHART STAND!!! I'd tried a mega stand from Lakeshore, a small garment rack from Walmart, and I just couldn't get all giggly over any of them. I think the pushing them around was the problem.  Then it hit me...put it in a place that was easily accessible and could be put away in a snap.  Taadaaa!!! I just attached it to the top of my white board with staples and used the little velcro to roll it up for storage. Now I'm certain I'm not the first to do this and I'm sure at some point this is what the velcro on the back was intended for, but it was new to me! And it's made my teaching life just a tad easier.

Have a great week!!


  1. I am so glad I saw your post! I have the same exact thoughts about that mega stand from Lakeshore. Do you think we can get a refund? lol.... Thanks for the idea. Love it!

  2. Smart! I have that same stand and it drives me crazy. It gets caught on everything!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  3. Great idea! I have a stand that I inherited from the teacher that was in the room before me... and it's currently in the bathroom ! lol!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  4. Thank you! I am currently revamping my reading block and couldn't find an area that I was happy with for my pocket chart. This is perfect!


  5. You've been Booed! Don't worry, it's a good thing!

  6. That is GENIUS!!! How did I not think of that?!!! Thanks for sharing! =)

  7. Wow! How smart are you! Guess where I am putting a pocket chart this year? Thanks for sharing.
