Friday, June 24, 2011

Word Family Board

I've had a few emails about how I use my word family board and it's contents.  I'm so happy to be able to share.  Here are the details...
As you can see, my board is Seuss themed. These are some of the decorations (glitter) that I used to set up the board...
I made pockets at the bottom of the board for each vowel family using scrapbook paper and Seuss themed letters.

For each vowel family that we learn, I made a word card. I glued each card to a piece of scrapbook paper (I actually have short vowel families on polka dot red/blue paper, and long vowel families on solid red/blue paper) and then laminated them.

Each week we introduce 2-3 word families within our word wall/spelling curriculum.  I usually begin by reading a book that promotes that family. After the read aloud, the students and I generate a list of words in the same family, much like a word ladder. 

We read the list together, using my doc camera, and add the word card to the board.  VOILA!!! An interactive board for read around the room, writer's workshop reference, etc.

 I love using my word family board and the students even begin to become dependent on referring to it.  Of course you could use any theme with this same concept..ocean, jungle, etc. Some of my teammates even had a western themed word family board and polka dot board, using the same families from our curriculum. I hope that this post helps and inspires! Of course, I appreciate any feedback (giggles)!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wish List Linky Party...

Oh my! How much fun is this linky party?!?! B. Roper at Really Roper is hosting a classroom wish list linky party. I'm all over this one! The possibilities are endless. However, I've narrowed it down to a list of 5 fabulous items.  These are the items that I dream of adding to my classroom.

I saw this first one on the Container Store's site and fell in love. I think it would be perfect behind my small group table for supplies and activities.

This year we are leaving our comfort zone of literacy stations and jumping in to The Daily 5.  I am so excited but I'm also in great need of an extreme makeover for my classroom library.  I would love these storage bins for my classroom library and student book boxes.  They're adorable and spot on for my colors!

And now for the big ticket items....awww...someday....
Thanks Really Roper! It's been fun to shop with no budget. (giggles!!)

Monday, June 20, 2011

A glimpse into my day!

I love creating in my classroom. I'm a crafter! When I decided to become an elementary teacher, this is what I was most excited to be able to do. I quickly learned that with the academic expectations for students these days, there's not a whole lot of time for it. Unless you make the time! That's why I find the blogging circle and idea sharing so valuable. My fabulous teammates and I have made such an effort to come up with creative activities for our first graders that still meet the expectations of our district curriculum.  You already know how time consuming that is. Being able to get ideas and ready made activities from other teachers has been priceless! One day in the middle of craftivity madness I looked across one of my tables at the amount of creating going on.  I had to stop and take a picture! I shared the photo with classroom parents and titled it "A Wonderful Mess!" (giggles)
You can see that we are working on projects from Abby's Let's Get Poppin with Adjectives unit and Safari Poems inspired by Kim Jordano. Popcorn and jungle...what a combo!

After all of the madness, here are the final products..

Awww...teacher happiness! (giggles!)

Friday, June 17, 2011


Joining the calendar linky party yesterday and posting my meeting board picture got me thinking that I needed to update my "Money Song" poster. So here's my jazzed up version as a freebie. Hope that you can use it.  My students sing this song every morning and it really helps them to remember the value of money. Once they have coin recognition down then they can apply this rhyme.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Calendar Linky Party

Ms. A over at Oceans of First Grade Fun is having a calendar linky party and I've decided to join.  Although I did post a smaller picture of my calendar/meeting board earlier, here is a larger view. I've had the same basic meeting board for a few years now with small changes.  Although this version is in my comfort zone, I am considering going digital! However, what I DO like about my meeting board, is that after a few weeks of practice, my board is student led. The line leader (student of the week) leads the entire class in singing, questioning, and adding to the board. They take great pride in this responsibility!
Here is my meeting board line-up!
1. Song - Dr. Jean Days of the Week (turning on this song is the student's cue to transition to the board) - Yesterday was...Today is...
2. Song - Dr. Jean Macarena Months - add date - Today is Friday, June 17th...
3. Song - Dr. Jean Weather - What's the weather - class discussion - add to chart & graph
4. Place Value - add straw to the pocket chart(days in school) - Student asks "What's my place value?"
5. Hundreds Chart - Leader decides counting by 2's, 5's, 10's, etc.
6. Money Song
7. Even & Odd Song - Students determine if place value number is even or odd
8. Song - Dr. Jean States Song - We focus on 1-2 states per week (find on map, capitol, interesting facts)
9. Good things - This is from our Capturing Kids Hearts Program (2 students share)

Work Sweet Home...

I've pondered what the best way to introduce myself through this glittery little blog might be, and I think I'll start workplace! It's funny, you know how you have your coming home routine? Mine goes a little something like this, close the door, purse on the bench, large work tote dropped heavily onto the ground (some days it's like the heaviest weight lifted off of your shoulder!), keys onto the table, and a quick survey around the house to see what kind of a mess you might be up against this evening. One morning I came to the realization that I had a different but similar routine every morning when I came to work...unlock classroom door, drop the large work tote that you may or may not have had the chance to even open the night before, turn on the computer, pull down the projector screen, write the morning message, and quickly survey the room to see what kind of a mess you might be up against for the day! Giggles! That's when it hit me. This place is my second home...and...I love it just as much.  Work sweet home. So here are a few pictures so that you know where I spend my time.

This is Barbara Walker Elementary School. Located in a fast growing master-planned community.

This adorable sign that hangs in front of my door was a gift from one of my former students.
These are my amazing teammates that also reside in my building! (This group is changing quite a bit this next year, as our community continues to grow.) PS-We love Fancy Nancy!

And here are a few random pictures from inside of my room. I have lots more to share, but my room is currently packed up and in the hallway to prepare for summer floor maintenance. Wow! What a sight!

Thanks for peeking into my world!

Monday, June 13, 2011

It's official...I'm a blogger!!

I am so excited to be able to join the amazing circle of teachers that share their ideas through blogging. A huge thank you to Alicia at Dreamlike Magic Designs for a fabulous job on my blog. She is so talented. I'm hard at work learning the blogging ropes and working on my first give-away and freebie! I can't wait to have people excited to follow and keep up with the busy-ness and creations going on in my first grade classroom.  Welcome everyone!!